Living With The Bad Boy

Chapter 8

“Hey girl”Zoey said.

“Hey”I said dryly.

“What’s with the dry response and why’s your face like that?”She asked, raising her eyebrow at me.

“It’s nothing, I’m just tired”I said.

“What made you tired?”She asked.

“Stressful night”I said and she winked at me.

“What?”I asked, furrowing my eyebrow at her.

“Who’s the boy?”She asked.

“What boy?”I asked.

“The one that got you stressed last night”She teased.

“Stop it Zoe, there’s no boy, I was just busy with things at home”I said.

“Yeah that reminds me, if i can recall, you said your parents travelled”She said.

“Yeah?”I asked.

“So why don’t i come over, we can have a slumber party, just me and you, what do you think?”She asked.

“No Alex is…… coming”I almost exposed my self.

That was a close one, i can’t risk anyone knowing that i stay with that Fool.

“Coming? where?”She asked turning her head in search of Alex “I don’t see Alex anywhere around”She said.

“Oh yeah, he just walked past us, thank God he didn’t see us, I’ve had enough of him already, i don’t even wanna engage in a conversation with him right now”I said.

“Well sadly that’s not gonna happen”She said.

“Why?”I asked, confused.

“Speaking of the devil”She said, pointing towards the entrance and i turned to see Alex heading towards our direction.

“Great” I muttered.noveldrama

“And you know what will be more great? If we can talk”He said as he approached us.

“And what makes you think I’ll wanna talk to you?”I asked.

“Because it’s important”He said through gritted teeth.

“Hey what’s going on here?”Zoey asked.

“I’ll talk to you later Zoe, Brb”I said as i got up and followed Alex to an empty classroom.

“What do you want?”I asked.

“Um, Liv…… How do i say this so you won’t get upset?”He said scratching the back of his head.

“Spill Alex, you know anything that comes from you always annoys me” I said.

“Um…. okay…. my friends kinda wanna come over to my house and you know I’m staying with you so i don’t know……”

“No fucking way!”I cut in.

“Hey please Olivia, I promise no one else will find out, if i wasn’t staying at you house then I’d have had them come over to my place, they normally come to my house frequently”He said.

“No way Alex, we agreed not to let anyone we’re staying together”I said.

“Please Olivia, if i don’t let them come they’ll suspect that I’m keeping something from them”He said.

“Still no”I said.

“Come on Liv, please, do something nice for once”He said.

“Niceness and me don’t go together, this is the end of this discussion”I said and turned to leave but he pulled me back, yanking me.

“Hey!”I protested.

“If you don’t agree to this then you’ll leave me with no choice but to spill the beans to everyone”He threatened.

“You wouldn’t dare!” I warned.

“Watch me”He smirked and left the classroom.

I ran after him and pulled him back, dragging him back with me to the class.

“What? He asked.

“Fine, I agree but this has to be between us and your friends alone”I said.

“Finally, I knew there is still some left over brain in that thick skull of yours he said, ruffling my hair and i spanked his hand away.

“Don’t do that ever again”I said and stormed out of the room back to where Zoey was waiting for me.

“Hey Zoey” I smiled brightly as i took my seat beside her.

“What took you so long?”She asked.

“You know…… normal stuff…… you know Alex can be annoying and time wasting”I said stupidly.

“Why do i have this feeling that you’re hiding something from me?”She asked, inspecting me closely.

“Me?…… Hide something from you? that’s pathetic, you know i wouldn’t do that, that makes absolutely no sense”I blabbered nervously.

“Look, see how you’re sweating, you’re nervous and you only get so nervous when you’re lying”She said touching my forehead as she traced the sweat on my forehead.

“Oh is the weather not so hot today, I’m feeling really hot”I said blowing my self with an exercise book.

I was a pathetic liar and i knew Zoey could see right through my stupid acts.

“Now you’re being ridiculous, there’s an air con blowing at high speed plus two ceiling fans in this class so you have no excuse right now, I know you’re lying to me, it’s really obvious and you’re failing miserable at hiding it, spill the beans Liv”She said.

“Whaaaaaat…… me? why would i lie to you, I’m just feeling really hot here, i think we should get out of this room”I bluffed.

“Stop it Liv, you’re being ridiculous right now, tell me, what are you hiding and don’t try to lie to me, i know you too well by now and i can tell when you’re lying”She said.

“Me? Lying? Of course not”I said.

“Come on Liv, stop this act of yours, it’s really pissing me off right now, i thought we were supposed to be best friends and that includes not keeping anything from each other so why are you lying to me?”She asked.

“I’m not lying Zoe, I’m just…… um…. you know……”

“Fine, since you don’t wanna tell me the truth then I’m leaving, whenever you’re ready to open up to me, you know where to find me”She said grabbing her bag as she stood up.

“Wait Zoe”I stopped her.

“What? Are you ready to talk now?”She asked.

“Fine, I’ll tell you the truth”I said.

“Go on, I’m listening”She folded her arms.

“Sit down first”I said, indicating at her chair and then she hesitantly sat down.

“Now spill”She said with her hands still folded.

“Okay…… well……”

“And i don’t want lies this time, trust me if i find out that you’re lying again i won’t forgive you easily” She said.

“Okay fine…… Alex and i are….”

“Dating?” She exclaimed.

“Ew, gross, no way!”I grimaced.

“Then what?”She asked.

“Alex and I…… we…. are…. kinda”I swallowed and took a deep breath “We’re living together”I said immediately without hesitation.

“What?!”She exclaimed “You and Alex are living together!”I immediately placed my hand over her mouth.

“Hey what if someone hears you!”I said.

“OMG! This is huge!”She exclaimed.

“Terrible, this is why i didn’t wanna tell you, i knew you’d react like this, look you almost got me in trouble”I said.

“Oh babe! Forget that and tell me, how, when, where?” She bombarded me with questions.

“Well, we found out our parents are friends and business partners, so our parents left us in each other’s care for the next one month”I said like it was no big deal.

“Oh my goodness, wait till Jane hears this, she’ll get the shock of her life, come on tell me, how’s Alex like at home?”She said.

“Wait, why do i get this feeling that you’re excited by what happened?”I asked.

“Of course, I’m thrilled, who would have thought that bad girl Olivia Henderson and Playboy Alexander Williams would end up living together under one roof, alone! I think there would be war happening soon, come on babe gist me, how’s living with Alex like, how does he behave at home? does he walk about shirtless?”She threw questions from every angle.

“He’s much more a pain in the neck at home than in school and yes he walks about shirtless and shamelessly, please stop asking all these questions, this is why i didn’t wanna tell you, I don’t know why you’re making a fuss out of this small matter, besides you’re acting like you have a crush of a kind on Alex”I said, already getting pissed.

“Duh! I’m just being curious because i know you both absolutely despise each other so it’s weird having you both living under one roof, Alex should better run for his life if it’s dear to him because i know you will definitely haunt him and besides this is a great opportunity to get back at him”She said.

“You’re right! this is the only sensible thing you’ve said so far, what i should be thinking about now is how to deal with that ass-wipe”I said.

“Yeah and I’m totally stopping by at your place this weekend for a sleepover, I wanna witness this drama, it will be epic!”She said excitedly and i glared at her.

“You’re making me have second thoughts about not killing Alex but rather killing you”I said.

“Hey don’t blame me! I’m just saying my mind!”She defended.

“Whatever, now can we discuss something more important, we’ve been talking about Alex like as if he’s one important person”I said.

“But this topic is really important, this is a big deal babe!”She said, making me have second thoughts on who’s murder I’ll be planning, whether it’s gonna be hers or Alex’s.


I sat down in the living room watching Tv with a bowl of popcorn in front of me.

I heard footsteps from behind and before i could turn, Alex was already sitting beside me with my popcorn now in his possession.

“Hey give that back!”I yelled.

“What if i don’t?”He asked, smirking stupidly as he took a mouthful of popcorn.

“You dimwit, give me that!”I yelled, reaching out to grab my popcorn from him.

“Language Henderson”He stated.

“Shut up and give me my popcorn”I said and dragged the popcorn away from him.

“Idiot”I muttered.

I don’t know why he derived pleasure in pissing me off all the time.

“What are you watching?”He asked, facing the Tv screen where Spongebob squarepants was displaying.

“Spongebob I see”He said and before i knew it, he took possession of the remote and changed the channel to WWE.

“Hey are you mad? Can’t you see i was watching that?” I yelled.

“I don’t like that cartoon, this is wwy better”He said, his eyes still fixed on the Tv.

I drew closer to him and tried grabbing the remote but he was fast enough to take it away.

“Idiot, give me back my remote!” I yelled.

“Law of remote control 101 states that whoever grabs the remote owns the remote”He smirked foolishly.

“That’s not even a thing, i bet you made that up” I said and he shrugged.

“Give me the damn remote!”I yelled.

“I won’t, now go and play”He shooed me.

“What am i? 10?”i furrowed my eyebrows at him.

“Probably, if you don’t wanna watch wrestling with me then feel free to use the door”He said.

“In my own house, are you nuts?”I asked.

“Whatever makes you sleep at night Henderson”He said.

“Hey stop making use of my surname!”I said.

“But it suits you way better”He said.

“Why do you always have to get me angry?”I asked.

“Because I’m amazing”He said.

“Give me back the remote!”I said, attempting to drag it from him, all to no avail.

“Don’t even try”He said.

“Give me back the remote, one”I counted.

“Still no”He said.

“Two”I counted.

“Nope”He said with his eyes still fixed on the Tv screen.

“Three”I counted.

“Still no”He said and a mischievous smirk curled up on my face as i pounced on him, strangling him.

“Hey get off me!”He choked.

“Hand over the remote” I said but he was still reluctant. Just as i was about to hit him again, the door bell rang.

“Oops that’s my cue”He said and got up as he skidded over to the door.

After a few seconds he returned with Blake and Justin, his two best friends.

“Hey Liv” Blake, the nicer one and the only sensible and reasonable one said.

“Hey” I said, standing up.

“Don’t worry, she won’t be bothering us”Alex said as they scooted over into the living room, occupying the chairs.

I left for my bedroom without another word.

I plumped down on the bed sighing tiredly.

I don’t know what i did to deserve such a life, being stuck with such an idiotic and annoying pest.

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